The presence of Kos at the global and local history spans at a period of many thousand years. From the prohistorical ages until now, it has been inhabited by numerous tribes at first and foreign countries later, each of them has left its own mark on the island.
Firstly, Chines inhabited the island, followed by Achaioi and then Dorians. On the 7th century along with five more cities, Kos co-constituted the Dorian Hexapolis and later on 5th century was a member of the Athenians league. At this time, the Father of medicine, Hippocrates, is born at Kos. The island starts to evolve and an era of huge economic, political and cultural development begins.
In the mid-4th century, Alexander the Great conquers Kos and his successors rule the island until 42 BC, when Romans take over and the island begins to decline.

On the Byzantine years, Kos is being invaded many times and along with numerous earthquakes that happened in 5th century, the profile of the island changes. After being occupied by the Genoveses and then the Venetians, Kos was finally conquered by the decree of St. John’s knights on 14th century.
On 1522, Ottomans get the power on Kos. The looting, massacres and persecutions of the inhabitants resulted in the ending of all financial and cultural activities. The situation improved around the 15th century, but in 1821 the Greek Revolution against Ottomans begins and so living in Kos becomes very difficult once again.

Without being able to achieve a union with Greece, Kos is being conquered by Italy in 1912. After 30 years of Italic occupation, during which many buildings that are used until today were constructed, the island passes over to Germany in 1943. Kos was freed by the Allied powers in 1945, when English assumed control until the 7th of March 1948, when Kos was united with Greece.
Since then Kos evolved in fast pace and led its own way. After 1980’s many tourists started to visit Kos and so the infrastructure and available services of the island massively improved. Nowadays, Kos is one of the most popular destinations in the world.